Social Media Management

The world of Social Media is constantly changing. Gloss Marketing have a finger on the pulse of the latest updates and can help to give your business the exposure you need.

Instagram & Facebook

Bring your social media to life with Gloss Marketing. We believe in making a social media presence that fits your brand identity – in frequency, creative and message. Help your social media presence to be the voice of your brand and get your message across to new customers. We take the stress away by planning, creating and posting for you with plans to suit your needs and budget.

Email Marketing

Whilst email marketing has been around for a long time, emails still give the best return on investment for your marketing spend. Keep your customers engaged and informed with emails created to talk specifically to your customers with content and offers customised for your business. We can create and schedule your emails for you, sending at times optimal for your customers.

Youtube & Linkedin

Do you have Youtube and Linkedin accounts for your business that you want support with? Gloss Marketing can help you to optimise your accounts to not only be in line with your brand and but also to speak to your customer database with interesting, relevant content – we can even help you with video production and posting.

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